Fantasy Artist in Bath | Originals for Sale | Enchanted World of Ryder
Commission a unique painting by the leading fantasy artist in Bath. If you’re planning a special gift for a loved one, this could be the perfect choice. Or you could gift yourself one of these whimsical pieces if you love this genre of art. The artist explains that his work is inspired by the need to escape the harsh realities of this world. His paintings depict charming winter landscapes, moonlit scenes, wild and magical creatures, and woodland denizens. Every time you view one of these works, you will be delighted to find something new and interesting that you may have missed earlier. The artist’s website features his own pick for Painting of The Month. You can browse through the entire collection, and choose to buy prints, small delicate originals, sculptures or books.
You’ll find, in Bath, the fantasy artist who calls himself Ryder provides minimal information about himself. This is in keeping with the famous critic Roland Barthes’ philosophy. In it, Barthes explains that it’s important to judge a work of art entirely on its own merits. Knowing more about the creator can colour your perception and judgement. With this principle in mind, Ryder allows you to enjoy his work without preconceived notions. Fantasy art is an important genre in art. It is based on supernatural ideas, creatures, settings and mythologies. It uses imagination and reality in combination with mood and emotion. There is a strong foundation in folklore and peasant art, with nature playing a major role in most of fantasy art paintings.
Paintings created by the fantasy artist in Bath may also have some overlap with science fiction. You will also find everyday objects and vehicles such as tractors, cityscapes, pet animals, animals with human emotions, and forest scenes. Fantasy art may incorporate surreal elements, symbolism, dream worlds and visions. They give an aura of mystery and excitement to the paintings. Get in touch with The Enchanted World of Ryder to view some of these beautiful works of art. The artist’s creativity and skill flow through these charming works. You may want to display them in your living room, or present a loved one with a timeless work of art.